Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), Sladjan Velinov was, together with his closest associates, the guest at the reception to celebrate the 65th birthday of the Japanese Emperor Naruhito, which was organized by the Embassy of Japan to Serbia last night.

His Excellency, Akira Imamura, the Ambassador of Japan to Serbia, took this opportunity to express his gratitude to the Government and people of the Republic of Serbia and to state his satisfaction with the fruitful relations between Japan and Serbia in the previous year.
“We witnessed the ministerial visits, visit by a great business delegation of Japan and the announcements of new investments by the leading Japanese producers”, said the Ambassador. He reminded the attendees that these two countries established their first official contact in 1882, when the Emperor Naruhito’s great-great grandfather, the Emperor Mutsuhito, the Meiji Emperor, exchanged letters with the King of Serbia, Milan Obrenovic.

The reception was attended by the Prime Minister of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Maja Gojkovic, ministers and officials of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, other ambassadors and Church Representatives.
The Japanese Emperor’s birthday is a special national holiday of Japan and it is traditionally celebrated every year in the diplomatic offices of Japan around the world.