8. May 2024.
SRBATOM appoints National Liaison Assistant with IAEA

Based on the decision of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM) and with the consent of the Board, Dr. Radmila Serovic, Head of Unit for International Cooperation and Project Management, has been appointed as a National Liaison Assistant (NLA) of the Republic of Serbia with the IAEA.

The cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the IAEA in terms of the engagement of Serbian institutions in various activities through the IAEA programmes, particularly the IAEA programme of technical cooperation (TC programme), involves different projects, scientific and expert visits, training courses and workshops, conferences, meetings and other modalities of cooperation. In the period between May 2010 and December 2018, this cooperation was realized and coordinated within Serbian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (SRPNA). Today, the liaison channel (NLO/NLA) with the IAEA is the office within the Directorate.

The technical cooperation programme, as the IAEA’s primary mechanism for transferring nuclear technology to Member States, was jointly developed by the IAEA Secretariat and its Member States. The main aim of the programme is providing support and assistance to the Member States or a region in overcoming their issues by means of nuclear technology. It is based on the evaluation of the development priorities and conditions in each Member State or a region, leans on the project requirements from the Member States, as well as the application of the suitable criteria on the project formulation, evaluation and formal approval of a project by the IAEA Board of Governors.

The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the OSCE and Other International Organizations in Vienna has been notified on the appointment of Dr. Radmila Serovic as the National Liaison Assistant (NLA) of the Republic of Serbia with the IAEA.