19. April 2024.
Faculty of Sciences Novi Sad receives radio-isotope identification device

The Faculty of Sciences from Novi Sad received yesterday a handheld radio-isotope identification device VeriFinder by Symetrica as a donation of the European Commission (EC) and the Joint Research Centre from Karlsruhe, Germany.

The Faculty of Sciences Novi Sad received this instrument which will be used for the education and trainings in the field of nuclear security and nuclear forensics as a sign of appreciation of years of good and successful cooperation.

The EC and the Joint Research Centre Karlsruhe, in cooperation with the Faculty of Sciences from Novi Sad, have organized two training courses in the field of nuclear forensics within the European Commission’s Enlargement and Integration activities. The regional training course for the Western Balkan countries under the name of “Introduction to Nuclear Forensics” was held in September 2019 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Novi Sad. Another online regional training course under the name of “Gamma spectra evaluation with PC FRAM” was held by the end of November 2021.

In addition, the European Commission and the Joint Research Centre Karlsruhe, together with Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate, organized in September 2022 the national workshop in Belgrade under the name of “Response to Emergency Security Event”.