Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate organized a discussion forum on the topic of nuclear law at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade.
The forum served as a lead-in discussion into the two-weak Interregional Course on Nuclear Law which is organized by Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate and the International Atomic Energy Agency with the support of the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, and which will officially be opened on Wednesday, 30 October at 10 o’clock at the Faculty of Law.
In the introductory part of the forum, the attendees, consisting of managers and employees of state institutions and the students from the faculties of law ad security were addressed by SRBATOM representatives: Tihomir Hrnjak, Katarina Zarkovic, Jasmina Milovanovic and Vladimir Janjic, who introduced the concept of nuclear law, its elements, areas and purpose. In addition, they underlined the importance of getting to know and understanding this broad and extremely important scientific and legal discipline which will surely be more recognized and acknowledged in the educational programmes and routine use of nuclear energy in the future.
Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate will continue to organize educational workshops and other activities directed at the enhancement of the field of nuclear law, and also give any other support to introducing educational programmes in the nuclear field, which is an indispensable segment of the comprehensive development of the use of nuclear energy in our country.