
Director of Directorate at Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Launch

Director of Directorate at Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Launch

At the invitation of the Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and the Minister of Mining and Energy, Zorana Mihajlovic, the Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), Sladjan Velinov attended today the launch of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP)

“Zelena Srbija” Project realized in Divcibare

“Zelena Srbija” Project realized in Divcibare

Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM) in cooperation with Color Media Communications has realized another landscaping activity within “Zelena Srbija” project, this time in Divcibare.

Planting Trees in Usce Park Marks National Day of Sweden

Planting Trees in Usce Park Marks National Day of Sweden

The Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), Mr Sladjan Velinov, together with the Mayor of Belgrade Mr Zoran Radojicic and H.E. Ms Annika Ben David, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden to Serbia, took part in planting trees in the Municipality of Novi Beograd, and thus continued the activities in the landscaping project of “Zelena Srbija”.

“Zelena Srbija” Project Realized in Municipality of Cajetina

“Zelena Srbija” Project Realized in Municipality of Cajetina

Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), in cooperation with the municipality of Cajetina and Color Media Communications, on 16 May 2022, realized the first “Zelena Srbija” landscaping activity this year in the municipality of Cajetina.



As a part of the EC project “EP&R in the Western Balkans Region”, 09 – 12 May 2022, the city of Drac in Albania hosted the international exercise of responding to a simulated emergency resulting from the accidents in the NPP Krsko in Slovenia and NPP Kozloduy in Bulgaria. The representatives of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM) were also a part of this exercise.

Latest Public Announcement

Latest Public Announcement

Upon frequent inquiries by the citizens and the media, as well as tendentious spread of false information on the social networks and other means of communication among the public in Serbia, Mr. Sladjan Velinov, the Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security (SRBATOM) has stated that there are no reasons for the citizens’ concern.

International ConvEx-3(2017) Exercise (video)

International ConvEx-3(2017) Exercise (video)

In order to have successful performance of duties by all the subjects in emergencies, which are primarily aimed at the protection of the health and the lives of people, their property and the environment, there is need for regular participation in the international exercises and testing of the system of protection and rescue. One of such exercises the purpose of which was to test the system of response during an emergency arising from a nuclear accident in the neighbouring country was performed in 2017.