22. November 2019.

It is generally believed that people are afraid of nuclear energy since it started with a nuclear bomb. If electricity had started with an electric chair, the public nowadays would probably perceive it in a different way, said Dr Bojan Radak in response to questions asked by the host of the morning show on RTS.

The Advisor to Director in Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate SRBATOM added that the citizens have no reasons to be concerned about nuclear waste in our country as these are small amounts which are under strict control and placed at hangars in Nuclear Facilities of Serbia in Vinca. We keep constant monitoring of the waste, maintain continuous communication with the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, and remain under its supervision.

It is worth mentioning that municipal solid waste in waste dumps represents far greater hazard for public health as it is not under control.

The aim of the conference Nuclear Safety Today, organized by the Directorate, is to clarify prejudices and fears associated with radiation. Knowledge and accurate information are the best weapon to combat fear and suspicion, said Dr Bojan Radak.