We are dedicated to and responsible for the control of radiation and nuclear activities in the country so that they are conducted in a safe and secure manner for the public and the environment


SRBATOM Director at reception organized by Embassy of Japan

SRBATOM Director at reception organized by Embassy of Japan

Director of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), Sladjan Velinov was, together with his closest associates, the guest at the reception to celebrate the 65th birthday of the Japanese Emperor Naruhito, which was organized by the Embassy of Japan to Serbia last night.

Radiation levels in Chernobyl not increased

Radiation levels in Chernobyl not increased

Based on the data from the system for information exchange on nuclear incidents and emergencies maintained by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the official reports from the institutions of Ukraine for the past 24 hours, there are no claims of elevated...

Lecture on SMRs at Vinca Institute

Lecture on SMRs at Vinca Institute

In the organization of the Ministry of Mining and Energy of the Republic of Serbia, the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences hosted the representative of CEZ Group from the Czech Republic, Mr Sebastian Poche, who gave a talk. The representatives of the ministries and...

IAEA experts at Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences

IAEA experts at Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences

The members of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), together with the representatives of Serbian Radiation and Nuclear Safety and Security Directorate (SRBATOM), visited yesterday the Vinca Institute of...

Обавештења о скуповима

Radioactivity monitoring

Reports on the level of exposure of the population to ionizing radiation from the environment in the Republic of Serbia.

Monitor the radiation status

EURDEP - European platform for the exchange of radioactivity data


Monitoring of environmental radioactivity in the Republic of Serbia

Division Of Inspection


Call: 381 11 455 0 508
